Order a PIN

You must be enrolled in a course or educational programme at the University of Borås for the current term or the next in order to order a pin code. The code will be sent to the email address or mobile phone number you provided when you applied for the course or programme.

The Swedish Personal/University Identification Number is written on your Notification of Selection Results and is either a full swedish personal idenfitication number or a university identification number which consist of your birthdate (YYYYMMDD) followed by a letter and three random numbers. An example would be 19990101T123.

Swedish Personal/University Identification Number:

Confirm your identity

Enter your Swedish Personal/University Identification number and the PIN code you ordered. The PIN code will be valid for 30 days. If you need a new PIN, you can order it under the heading “Order a PIN” by entering your Swedish personal identification number and clicking on “Order.”

Swedish Personal/University Identification Number: